Beyond Crochet
This sentence marks the beginning of a new dimension to my blog. I would start another blog but for the unfortunate certainty that this too will fade away and so, ultimately, it will be less humbling to have all my aborted start-ups encased in one blog rather than spread haphazardly across the interwebs. I have come across (in the sense of being forced out of a self-contented blind reverie) the revelation that an objective scan of my life and habitats reveal far less than I give myself credit for.
I suppose I consider myself a creature of many talents which could come to profitable fruition at any moment should I choose to step up and reveal them, but it is becoming more and more apparent that since none of this “fruition” has yet chosen to occur, I am left to present to the world the sum of my parts, which is decidedly not greater than the whole could be, if it were to materialize.
Not that the world as a whole cares, or should. But that the few other souls whose circles of existence happen to intersect, Venn-like, with mine should be so oblivious to my miniature hidden talents makes me begin to wonder … if perhaps my infatuation with organization, with color-coded, paisley patterned folders, with boxes and dividers (that ironically tend to multiply the Things one comes into possession of), is actually Not making its way past the barriers of my imagination into Real-World … if perhaps my love of writing is unknown simply because I don’t write …
if my bursting-at-the-seams desires to create a self-made sustainable business called SandiesSofties, in which I sell crocheted or otherwise creations, is deflating because I don’t post items on Etsy because I can’t bring myself to face the business side of crafting and diligently describe, document, research, advertise, and follow through on every receipt and request … if my intentions to eat healthy are thwarted by my Not Cooking Ever … and in general, if my potential is being squashed in a massive, slow landslide of laziness. Is that less painful or dangerous than the other option: presenting potential and witnessing it fall short of my own self-imposed perfection or the world-at-large’s apathy? Not that I would blame it, that ambiguous, blundering “world-at-large.” I am part of it to everyone else, and I also don’t notice what people don’t offer.
So I will begin with this blog, mostly as a release valve for all the steam that builds up inside my head from cooking up so many ideas. (and I had to go there. To the punny place. Abort project now.)
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